Brainstorming Service Design Project for creating better well-being at Work, Hok-Elanto, 2022
The project suggest to take actions for creating better well-being at work. Employees change their jobs more often, especially younger employees tend to change more. This is my own observation while working in a department store of Sokos Helsinki S Bank. This can create pressure and anxhiety for the employees to try overcome the needs of employer. What does this do to a quality of service in a long term? What will employers make to solve this problem?
According to an occupational well-being survey conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Health (Työterveydenlaitos, TTL), in the summer of 2019, 26% of respondents (about 524 respondents) fairly or completely agreed with the statement "I often think about resigning from my current job".
According to the TTL, 17% of young people do not experience fair treatment in the workplace and receive significantly less of their work than they invest in 16%.
In addition to this, boredom as well as mental alienation are worsened by those in work. This suggests that the relationship work has become more negative.
Design methods: Service Design, Design Thinking, Visual Design.